Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Use Your Breath As Your Anchor

Last week you tried a first sitting exercise focussing on your breathing for 5 minutes once or twice a day. You probably noticed a calming effect, maybe even some sort of inner stability. This is what you call anchoring yourself in the present moment. In meditation you use your breath as an anchor to find your inner balance even in stressful or troubled moments. This is a powerful tool and always available, because as long as you live you breathe.

We can use this anchor not only during formal meditation sessions but also in day-to-day life. Whether you are at work, travelling or carrying out all sorts of tasks, you can focus on your breathing at any time. You can use different triggers such as your phone ringing to remind yourself of becoming present, also called mindful. It takes some practice until mindfulness becomes a habit.

Being mindful helps you to becoming aware of your thoughts and emotions and to take the role of the neutral observer. Instead of being caught up in distressing thoughts or drowning into negative emotions you can detach yourself. This does not mean that you will think or feel differently but you will be able to put things into perspective. Acknowledging your thoughts and emotions is helpful to understand what is actually happening.

So this week I want you to remind yourself of being mindful as often as possible during the day. Notice the difference in your breathing, the fickleness of your thoughts and feelings and the different sensations in your body. Don't try to change or judge. Just become aware of what is happening. Notice how you do things - even simple routine activities such as driving your car or brushing your teeth. How do you use your body? What do you sense? How easily does your mind wander off? What feelings come up?

You might notice that most of the time your mind is not present. You live on auto pilote. By being mindful you have the chance to actively engage in your life again.

After only a few weeks you will start to feel a difference. You will get a better understanding of how you function and gain new perspective.

Tell me your experience!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Exercise: Quiet Your Mind for 5 Minutes

Our mind is constantly wandering. It loves to chat, remember, plan and analyze. Actually, our mind is the biggest soap opera writer with a great talent for exaggeration. It can go on and on in endless thought circles teamed up with emotion or physical pain. In those moments it is difficult to get a clear view and make the right decisions.

In this first exercise you will try to quiet your mind for 5 minutes. It sounds easy but you will notice how fast your mind wanders off. It requires practice to keep the mind still and let go of thoughts. And this is what your meditation practice is about. Try and try again. After some time you will notice a difference and enjoy those quiet moments without the scattering mind.

To do this exercise find a place where you are undistrubed and a sitting position which allows you to feel comfortable. Traditionally you would sit on a meditation pillow cross-legged or kneeling down. Make sure you sit upright with your eyes closed and your hands on your legs. You may also lie down if you wish. However, if you are already tired this may not be good for your concentration.

Take a couple of deep breaths and feel your stomach and chest expanding. Then let your breathing continue at its natural pace. Focus on your inhalation, the pause in between and your exhalation. Notice how you become more relaxed. Stay with your breath. Observe the movements in your body and the natural flow of your breathing. Your respiration helps you to stay anchored. As long as you live you breathe.

While you focus on your breath, don't get interrupted by any thoughts. If a thought comes up, acknowledge it but don't hang on to it. Just let go of your thought with your next exhalation.

Repeat this over and over again. Acknowledge and let go of your thoughts focussing on your breathing.

Do this exercise every day for one week. This is a great start into your meditation practice.

Enjoy your exercise!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How to Integrate Meditation into Your Daily Life

Many think about meditation as long sitting exercises that fit into a Tibetan monk schedule but not in ours. Let me clarify how meditation can be integrated into to your life and become your very personal treat.

Meditation can be practiced formally and informally. A formal meditation technique would be sitting and observing your breath, thoughts, emotions or bodily sensations. Just like every new skill you aspire to learn it takes regular practice. To get comfortable with your meditation practice begin with 10 minutes a day - morning or evening - and increase every week by a few minutes. The rule goes: short daily practices are better than long rare ones. Find your preferred time of the day. You should be awake and alert, not tired and exhausted. The mornings are a great time because you start your day balanced and with a smile in your heart.
After a few weeks of practice you may be able to meditate for 20 minutes a day or even longer as you start enjoying your special quality time. You may also do a longer meditation on the weekends when you have more time. But don't get stressed. Meditate at your pace. 15 minutes once or twice a day are already awesome and very beneficial!

The informal meditation involves being mindful during the day at any time. It means becoming aware of the moment which you are in right now, focussing on your breath for a few seconds and observing your thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations. It helps you to clear your mind, let go of negative thoughts and feelings and make better decisions. Being mindful enables you to switch off the auto pilote and start taking charge of your behaviour.

You can use the ringing of your phone or any other trigger to remind yourself of being mindful again. Before you pick up your phone take a second to breathe and become aware of the present moment.

The great thing about the informal meditation is that you can do it anywhere and anytime. You will notice a real difference after a few weeks. You will feel much calmer, balanced and more present. Instead of raving about some distant future and being caught in endless thoughts you will experience life more intensively. You will start noticing yourself and your surroundings.

I will be giving more instructions and tipps on formal and informal meditation along the way.

Start with a few mindful breaths during the day to get a feeling for it. This is not only benefial for monks but for all of us. ;)

Sunday, July 10, 2011

What is Meditation?

Meditation involves a large number of techniques and is quite often associated with religion and esotericism. It is easy to get confused by the different names, practices and teachings. This blog focuses on Vipassana/Insight meditation and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), which have become popular in Western countries and can be taught and practiced outside of any original spiritual and religious context. This allows you to benefit from meditation and mindfulness and easily integrate them into your everyday life. Just like Yoga has become secular and contemporary to fit and serve our lives in the Western countries.

Vipassana meditation cultivates the introspection meaning the observation of thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. It enables you to see and accept what is and to awake to the present moment. Through non-judgemental self-observation you become aware of your mental and emotional states, detach yourself from and let go of thought circles and negative emotions. Instead of identifying yourself with your thoughts and feelings you take the role of the neutral observer. You will begin to understand that you ARE NOT your thoughts. You HAVE thoughts and you may choose to entertain them or let go of them. This is the most important step towards taking charge of your thoughts and acts. Systematic observation and letting go of thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations will calm your mind and body and lead to deep inner peace and pain relief.

Vipassana makes use of different techniques such as sitting meditation, breath observation and body scan. All techniques aim at quieting mind and body and observing the insight.

MBSR is based on Vipassana techniques and serves the specific purpose of stress relief. MBSR was developed by US professor Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979 and has been taught to over 17.000 patients to reduce stress and mental side-effects of illness and pain. Since, numerous studies have been conducted on the benefits of meditation and MBSR showing astonishing results. Meditation and MBSR are being applied at an increasing number of clinics, doctor's practices, rehabs and educational institutions.

For more detailed informations please browse through my links.

In summary, meditation and mindfulness are no longer exclusive to religious or spiritual practices but are being applied in the fields of stress reduction and life-balance. The techniques can be integrated into your everyday life and help you to deal with stress, difficult life situations, anxiety or pain. It is a radically new approach to life offering more inner piece, happiness and balance.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Why Meditate?

Medical research has shown very positive effects of meditation and mindfulness on stress reduction, overall health and well-being as well as depression and brain capacities.

Vipassana or insight meditation uses self-observation and introspection to strengthen contrentration, to quiet mind and body and to see what is moment to moment. By being mindful and aware of the Now and Here, we can live life more intensively and enjoy the way rather than wait for a destination in the future. By observing our thoughts, feelings and body we can better relate to what is happening and gain more control over our thinking and behavioural patterns. We deactivate our auto pilote, act consciously rather than react automatically, and thus take charge of our life.

Meditation helps us to accept what is, overcome judgemental thinking and prejudices and find more inner piece and happiness.

There are many books on meditation and mindfulness and I recommend to read some of them so you can develop a deeper understanding. However, starting your meditation practice may be difficult without personal assistance. If you don't have a meditation class in your area or enough time to visit a course due to long work hours, family obligations or travel, you may want to try out my live online meditation class.

The course will help you to get started and improve your practice rapidly. You will be able to exchange your experiences, ask questions and get individual feedback. This will help you stay motivated, enjoy the practice of meditation and get inspired.

I offer group and personal classes.

For more information, please contact me via:

I am looking forward to accompanying you on your way to a mindful and meditative lifestyle!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


I welcome everybody who is interested in learning how to meditate.
This blog will give you interesting insights and valuable tips and techniques.

In addition to this blog, I give personal online lessons in meditation. Please contact me via email concerning timings and prices.

I hope this blog will inspire you to take up meditation and make it your very special treat - every day.
