Meditation involves a large number of techniques and is quite often associated with religion and esotericism. It is easy to get confused by the different names, practices and teachings. This blog focuses on Vipassana/Insight meditation and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR), which have become popular in Western countries and can be taught and practiced outside of any original spiritual and religious context. This allows you to benefit from meditation and mindfulness and easily integrate them into your everyday life. Just like Yoga has become secular and contemporary to fit and serve our lives in the Western countries.
Vipassana meditation cultivates the introspection meaning the observation of thoughts, feelings and bodily sensations. It enables you to see and accept what is and to awake to the present moment. Through non-judgemental self-observation you become aware of your mental and emotional states, detach yourself from and let go of thought circles and negative emotions. Instead of identifying yourself with your thoughts and feelings you take the role of the neutral observer. You will begin to understand that you ARE NOT your thoughts. You HAVE thoughts and you may choose to entertain them or let go of them. This is the most important step towards taking charge of your thoughts and acts. Systematic observation and letting go of thoughts, emotions and bodily sensations will calm your mind and body and lead to deep inner peace and pain relief.
Vipassana makes use of different techniques such as sitting meditation, breath observation and body scan. All techniques aim at quieting mind and body and observing the insight.
MBSR is based on Vipassana techniques and serves the specific purpose of stress relief. MBSR was developed by US professor Jon Kabat-Zinn in 1979 and has been taught to over 17.000 patients to reduce stress and mental side-effects of illness and pain. Since, numerous studies have been conducted on the benefits of meditation and MBSR showing astonishing results. Meditation and MBSR are being applied at an increasing number of clinics, doctor's practices, rehabs and educational institutions.
For more detailed informations please browse through my links.
In summary, meditation and mindfulness are no longer exclusive to religious or spiritual practices but are being applied in the fields of stress reduction and life-balance. The techniques can be integrated into your everyday life and help you to deal with stress, difficult life situations, anxiety or pain. It is a radically new approach to life offering more inner piece, happiness and balance.
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